学院紫光欧洲杯外围竞猜_欧洲杯盘口-投注|官网学讲席教授鞠建东的论文Endowment structures,industrial dynamics, and economic growth获著作论文奖经济学类一等奖;
学院副院长、欧洲杯外围竞猜_欧洲杯盘口-投注|官网学讲席教授田轩的论文Financial development and innovation: Cross-country evidence获著作论文奖经济学类二等奖;
学院助理教授安砾的论文Asset Pricing When Traders Sell Extreme Winners and Losers获经济学类青年成果奖。
Endowment structures, industrial dynamics, and economic growth
Motivated by four stylized facts about industry dynamics, we propose a theory of endowment-driven structural change by developing a tractable growth model with infinite industries. The aggregate economy in the model still follows the Kaldor facts, but the composition of the underlying industries changes endogenously over time. Each industry exhibits a hump-shaped life cycle: as capital reaches a certain threshold level, a new industry appears, prospers, and then declines, to be gradually replaced by a more capital-intensive industry, ad infinitum. Analytical solutions are obtained to characterize the life cycle of each industry and the perpetual structural change.
Financial development and innovation: Cross-country evidence
Po-Hsuan Hsu,香港大学商业与经济学院教授
Yan Xu,香港大学商业与经济学院副教授
We examine how financial market development affects technological innovation. Using a large data set that includes 32 developed and emerging countries and a fixed effects identification strategy, we identify economic mechanisms through which the development of equity markets and credit markets affects technological innovation. We show that industries that are more dependent on external finance and that are more high-tech intensive exhibit a disproportionally higher innovation level in countries with better developed equity markets. However, the development of credit markets appears to discourage innovation in industries with these characteristics. Our paper provides new insights into the real effects of financial market development on the economy.
?Asset Pricing When Traders Sell Extreme Winners and Losers
这篇论文发表于Review of Financial Studies(《欧洲杯外围竞猜_欧洲杯盘口-投注|官网研究评论》), Volume 29, Issue 3, 2016 March, Pages 823–861。文章曾获得2014年美国芝加哥量化投资协会学术竞赛第一名, 获2014年PanAgora资产管理公司克伦威尔纪念奖第三名,并于发表后被CFA Institute (特许注册欧洲杯外围竞猜_欧洲杯盘口-投注|官网分析师协会) 创办的为全球会员推介新晋重要学术研究成果的期刊CFA Digest所报道转载。
最近的投资者行为研究发现,当投资者持有某证券的浮盈浮亏增大时,投资者更倾向于出售该证券;这种行为模式是对著名的“处置效应”更细致的一种刻画。本文详细探讨了这种行为模式对资产定价的影响。文章发现,控制其他因素后,投资者平均浮盈和浮亏更大的股票未来收益率比其他股票更高(月度alpha = 0.5-1%, 夏普指数 = 1.5)。这个发现支持了以下猜想,即这些股票面临投资者行为偏差所导致的更高的抛压,致使当前价格低于理性均衡价格,未来收益率上升。总体而言,本文提供了新的证据来支持以下观点:投资者的行为偏差并非无足轻重,这些个体偏差可以聚集起来对宏观层面的市场价格产生影响。
This study investigates the asset pricing implications of a newly documented refinement of the disposition effect, characterized by investors being more likely to sell a security when the magnitude of their gains or losses on it increases. I find that stocks with both large unrealized gains and large unrealized losses outperform others in the following month (trading strategy monthly alpha = 0.5–1%, Sharpe ratio = 1.5). This supports the conjecture that these stocks experience higher selling pressure, leading to lower current prices and higher future returns. Overall, this study provides new evidence that investors’ trading behavior can aggregate to affect equilibrium price dynamics.