近日,我院助理教授陈卓及其合作者们撰写的论文《债券可抵押性与资产定价:来自中国债券市场的证据》(Pledgeability and Asset Prices: Evidence from the Chinese Corporate Bond Markets)获评2019年“亚瑟·沃加”最佳学术论文奖(Arthur Warga Award)。
“亚瑟·沃加”最佳学术论文奖每年颁布两次。欧洲杯外围竞猜_欧洲杯盘口-投注|官网研究协会(Society of Financial Studies)会分别从其北美欧洲杯外围竞猜_欧洲杯盘口-投注|官网会议和亚太欧洲杯外围竞猜_欧洲杯盘口-投注|官网会议中各甄选出一篇欧洲杯外围竞猜_欧洲杯盘口-投注|官网:固定收益资产领域相关问题的优质论文颁发该奖项,并给予获奖学者协会基金2%的资金作为奖金。
本文基于这一交易机制间的差异展开研究。首先计算同一只债券在两个市场的收益率差值(exchange premium)。同时,利用2014年12月8日发生在交易所市场的“政策冲击”作为半自然实验进行工具变量检验。由于该政策冲击仅仅作用于交易所市场的企业债,而银行间市场的企业债可质押性并没有证据表明受到了明显影响,因此我们可以认为事件前后同一只债券跨市场收益率差值的变化仅仅是由于其在交易所市场可质押性的改变引起的。
论文的分析框架和发现为也有助于以下问题的深入研究与解决——如何通过调控债券市场上投资者的杠杆水平影响实体企业的融资成本?如何定量评估这一类型的非常规货币政策(non-conventional monetary policy)的效果?
陈卓,清华大学五道口欧洲杯外围竞猜_欧洲杯盘口-投注|官网学院助理教授,民生财富研究中心副主任,毕业于美国西北大学凯洛格管理学院,获欧洲杯外围竞猜_欧洲杯盘口-投注|官网学博士学位,研究方向包括中国欧洲杯外围竞猜_欧洲杯盘口-投注|官网市场发展、中国债券市场、量化投资与基金评估。他的研究曾经发表于多个国际一流期刊,包括Journal of Financial Economics, Management Science, Review of Finance, Review of Asset Pricing Studies等,并获得多个国际论文奖,如SFS Cavalcade Arthur Warga最佳固定收益论文奖,中国欧洲杯外围竞猜_欧洲杯盘口-投注|官网研究会议最佳论文奖,CQA学术竞赛二等奖等等。
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Massimo Massa, ? Bohui Zhang, ? and?Hong Zhang,“The Invisible Hand of Short Selling: ? Does Short-Selling ? Discipline Earnings Management?”,?Review of ? Financial Studies, ? vol.28, pp.1701-1736, 2015. |
Yawen Jiao, ? Massimo Massa, and Hong ? Zhang, “Short Selling Meets Hedge Fund 13F: An ? Anatomy of Informed Demand”, ? Journal of Financial Economics, ? vol.122, pp.544–567, 2016. |
Li ? An,"Asset Pricing When ? Traders Sell Extreme Winners and ? Losers",?Review of Financial ? Studies, vol 29(3), ? pp.823-861, 2016. |
Huafeng (Jason) ? Chen, “Do Cash Flows ? of Growth Stocks Really Grow Faster?”, Journal ? of Finance, vol.72(5), ? pp.2279-2330, 2017. |
Huijun Wang, ? Jinghua Yan and Jianfeng ? Yu, "Reference-Dependent Preferences and ? the Risk-Return ? Trade-off", Journal of Financial Economics, ? vol.123, pp.395-414, ? 2017. |
Juan M. Londono ? and Hao Zhou, ? “Variance Risk Premiums and the Forward Premium Puzzles”, ? Journal of ? Financial Economics, vol.124, pp.415–440, 2017. |
Zhiguo He, Bin ? Wei, Jianfeng Yu and ? Feng Gao, "Optimal Long-term Contracting ? with Learning", Review ? of Financial Studies, vol.30(6), ? pp.2006-2065, 2017. |
Junyan Shen, ? Jianfeng Yu, Shen Zhao, ? "Investor Sentiment and Economic ? Forces", Journal of Monetary ? Economics, Vol.86, pp.1-21, ? 2017. |
Huijun Wang, ? Jinghua Yan, and ? Jianfeng Yu, "Reference-Dependent Preferences ? and the Risk-Return ? Tradeoff", Journal of Financial Economics, ? vol.123, pp.395-414, ? 2017. |
Alon Brava, Wei ? Jiang, Song Ma, Xuan ? Tian,“How does hedge fund activism reshape ? corporate innovation?”, Journal ? of Financial Economics, ? vol.130(2), pp.237–264, 2018. |
Mariano Croce, ? Riccardo Colacito, ? Steven Ho and Philip Howard, "BKK the EZ Way: ? International Long-Run ? Growth News and Capital Flows", ? American Economic Review, ? vol.108, pp.3416-3449, 2018. |
Trevor Tombe and ? Xiaodong Zhu,“Trade, ? Migration, and Aggregate Productivity: A ? Quantitative Analysis of China”, American ? Economic Review, ? vol.109(5), pp.1843-1872, 2019. |
Zhuo Chen, ? Zhiguo He and Chun Liu, ? “The Financing of Local Government in China: ? Stimulus Loan Wanes and Shadow ? Banking Waxes”, Journal of Financial ? ? Economics, forthcoming. Zhan ? Shi,“Time-Varying Ambiguity, ? Credit Spreads, and the Levered Equity ? Premium”, Journal of Financial ? Economics, forthcoming. |
Xiaoyan Zhang, ? Ekkehart Boehmer and ? Charles Jones, “Potential Pilot Problems: ? Treatment Spillovers in Financial ? Regulatory Experiments”, Journal ? of Financial Economics, forthcoming. |
Zhen Zhou, ? "Deepal ? Basak,“Diffusing Coordination Risk”, American Economic ? Review, forthcoming. |
Nicolae ? Garleanu, Stavros Panageas, ? and Jianfeng Yu, “Impediments to Financial ? Trade: Theory and Applications”, ? Review of Financial Studies, ? forthcoming |