I am actually in the fund management industry.
So I run a fund of 50 billion U.S. dollars.
For the fund management industry, China is really the most attractive market in the world at the moment.
We think that Chinese people (I’ve got the point) have a very high savings rate. I think the rate of savings among Chinese people is more than 40 percent.
And the programs of market openings, deregulation making the finance market more advanced.
Many people are looking for fund managers to manage their money.
I really want to know and explore more opportunities in China and how we can penetrate the China market.
I hope this program will enable me to meet people, learn new ideas for making use of the opportunity to advance my company.
The “One Belt One Road” initiative started 4 years ago.
At that time, there were lots of misunderstandings that (the program) is some kind of aid program that provides charity subsidies to countries around Southeast Asia.
Now it is quite clear that this is not really about aid. It is a serious vision to promote trade partnership and development.
The projects are not intended to just be subsidies; it intends to make countries more competitive to promote more partnership.
We welcome this especially now that the Western countries are less interested in globalization.
For example, this year the U.S. government announced that they decided not to pursue TPP, Transpacific Partnership Treaty Negotiation.
Now we have a vacuum. Belt and Road will help fill the vacuum.
It is a very strategic vision which takes some time to execute,but I believe now, Belt and Road is much more welcome and will contribute to making win-win situation.
This (B&R EMBA Program) is a great platform for people from Southeast Asia, other parts of Asia and people on the mainland of China to interact with each other.?
The Program is successful in bringing together very senior decision makers from various countries to enroll.
招收并汇集了来自不同国家、不同行业的高层决策者, 这是项目最成功的地方。